Highland Community Lottery (the Community Lottery) is operated by Highland Third Sector Interface (HTSI, or we, us, our). We are licenced by the Highland Council to operate a Small Society Lottery in accordance with the Gambling Act 2005.

We want to enable as many local voluntary and community sector organisations, including sports clubs and other constituted clubs, to join the Community Lottery as a good cause.

There will be no application fee to join the Community Lottery.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Criteria for Joining:

HTSI has been granted a licence to run the Community Lottery by the Highland Council and part of its licence obligations are to ensure that all good causes meet certain criteria.

Your organisation must:

  • Be a non-profit organisation that provides community activities or services within Highland[ii].
  • Activities or services need to benefit the communities/ residents of Highland.
  • Have a governing document appropriate to the legal status of the organisation[iii].
  • Adhere to equality and inclusion principles with a policy or statement in place.
  • Have a bank account requiring at least two unrelated signatories.
  • Have a safeguarding policy if working with children, young people, and/or vulnerable peoples[iv].
  • Have appropriate policies and procedures in place to cover the work/project you are delivering – the responsibility to do so lies with you.

Applications will not be accepted from:

  • Any statutory bodies, including Community Councils, schools and academies[v].
  • Individuals
  • Organisations that do not provide services within the boundaries of Highland.
  • Organisations which aim to make a profit for the benefit of private individuals rather than the community.
  • Organisations that cannot provide sufficient evidence of their legal status and governing documents.
  • Groups promoting a particular religious or political belief or activity, or campaign that does not directly relate to the provision of community activities and services within Highland.

Applicants will need to:

  • Provide evidence of all eligibility criteria.
  • Agree to spend the proceeds from the Community Lottery on community activities or services that directly benefit the community/ residents of Highland.
  • If required by HTSI, agree to a site visit/meeting before being allowed to promote the Community Lottery. Your organisation may also be required to cooperate with further enquiries from HTSI if necessary for audit purposes.
  • Agree to the name of the organisation being used in publicity for the Community Lottery.
  • Agree that Highland Community Lottery's logo must be included on all publicity material relating to your projects or activities that are funded through the Community Lottery.
  • Inform HTSI immediately if the organisation intends to disband or make any changes to its purposes/objects, governing document, legal status or any other policy that may affect its eligibility for the scheme.

Please note the following:

  • We reserve the right to reject any application for any reason without offering an appeals process.
  • We will reserve the right not to accept or cease to licence any organisation with a minimum of 7 days' notice for any reason. If fraudulent or illegal activity is suspected, cessation will be immediate.
  • We cannot guarantee receipt of funds.
  • We cannot accept any liability for loss or damage including, without limitation, any direct, or indirect or consequential loss or damage or other losses of whatsoever nature arising out of or relating to participation with the Highland Community Lottery.

Successful Good Causes will Receive:

  • Your own webpage on the Community Lottery website – with no set-fees. You can edit your logo and description.
  • You will get 50p for every paid ticket supporting your cause that is entered into a weekly draw.
  • Monthly payment of the money you've raised through the Community Lottery – with no banking fees.
  • An online dashboard to track the performance of your Community Lottery page.
  • A Community Lottery helpline to help your supporters with any queries they may have.
  • Professionally prepared seasonal marketing materials provided digitally in a range of formats.

Good Cause Responsibilities

  • You MUST NOT market the Community Lottery to any person under the age of 18;
  • You MUST ENSURE that you market the Community Lottery in a way which promotes responsible gambling; and
  • You MUST COMPLY with any directions given to you by HTSI (or our External Lottery Manager, Gatherwell) in relation to the promotion of the Community Lottery.

Data Protection

In order to register as a Good Cause for the Community Lottery, organisations must provide key information and documents to support their application. This includes personal data, such as contact details of key persons associated with the running of the organisation.

We collect this information in order to:

  • Check the eligibility of the organisation to register as a Good Cause in line with our Terms and Conditions
  • Enable HTSI to contact key persons associated with the running of the organisation in line with monitoring expectations. For example, initial and subsequent checks relating to eligibility.
  • Enable HTSI to contact key persons associated with the running of the organisation on any matters relating to the Community Lottery, such as its progress and changes to how it is run that may affect participating Good Causes and special events.

All information provided at the point of application will be stored on a password-protected database. Please read the Privacy Notice on the Community Lottery website for more information about how and why we process personal data.



[i] Non-profit organisation include: Constituted groups (associations, clubs, societies etc) with non-profit making clauses; Registered charities (charitable companies limited by guarantee, trusts, unincorporated associations and societies); Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIO); and Companies Limited by Guarantee and Community Interest Companies (CIC) with non-profit making clauses and without persons of significant control.

[ii] Highland Community Lottery defines “Highland” in line with the Highland Council.

[iii] Governing documents must include provision for the following: organisation name, charitable or social purposes/objects, non-profit clauses, decision-making by the board and members (if applicable), winding up, and altering the document. If your governing document does not contain these provisions, or you are unsure, please contact [email protected]. We would be happy to help you with this.

[iv] Vulnerable People means either a minor or someone who, for physical or mental reasons, is unable to look after themselves or their finances.

[v] Parent/ Friend Associations of schools and academies may apply where properly constituted independently from the school and where all other criteria are met.

Once approved on the platform, you will receive:

  • Your own webpage on the Highland Community Lottery website - with no set-up fees. You can edit your logo and description
  • You will get 50p from every paid ticket supporting your cause that is entered into a weekly draw
  • Monthly payment of the money you’ve raised through Highland Community Lottery - with no banking fees
  • An online dashboard to track the performance of your lottery page
  • A lottery helpline to help your players with any queries they may have
  • Professionally prepared, seasonal marketing materials provided digitally in a range of formats